About US
Daven Corp. is a welding supply company that is certified by both SOMWBA & DBE. We have been in business for over 30 years servicing the greater Boston area. We have a very professional and knowledgeable staff that can assist your business needs. Daven Corp. services are: Welding Supplies, Equipment Repair, Safety Training, Industrial Supplies, And Technical Services & Training.
What makes Daven Corp. unique from the competition? We give you outstanding personal service. You have your own personal salesman. We hand deliver your items to the location in and around the greater Boston area. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, WE ARE ON CALL 24 HOURS A DAY. We provide training and safety classes. We pickup your empty tanks and drop them off filled. We also pickup your broken equipment and drop them off repaired. We save you time and money.
Daven Corp. would like the opportunity to provide you with our services for your next project along with future projects.
We are:
What is WBENC?
The WBENC certification for women-owned businesses is one of the most widely recognized and respected certifications in the nation. … WBENC is also an approved Third Party Certifier for the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program.
What is OSD?
The Operational Services Division (OSD) is an oversight agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance. OSD’s primary focus is to help our government buyers and business customers succeed in meeting their goals by providing outstanding customer service, competent advice and guidance, objectivity in our work, and to provide high quality products and services that exceed the expectations of those whom we serve OSD is comprised of several units that administer a broad range of activies including: Strategic Sourcing Services, COMMBUYS Operations, and the Supplier Diversity Office, among others. This reference guide provides descriptions of all OSD units and the services offered.
What is DBE?
Definition of a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and also control management and daily business operations.
What is MBE?
A minority-owned business is defined as being owned, capitalized, operated and controlled by a member of an identified minority group. The business must be a for-profit enterprise which physically resides in the United States or one of it territories. Identified “Minority groups” are generally defined as having an ethnic background consisting of Asian, Black, Hispanic, East Asian Indian and/or Native American. Some applications require US Citizenship, some applications accept legal residents. Some applications require a 75% ethnic heritage others will accept as little as one fourth. Note: Non-For-Profit companies DO NOT qualify for any certifications.