Aluminum welding alloys
Cast iron welding alloys
Mild steel welding alloys
Stainless welding alloys
Stoody hard facing alloys
Stulz hard face alloys and bar stock |

M.S. 1100
AC / DC Mild Steel Coated Electrode For Welding In All Positions Of Mild Steel (Tensile Strength 78,000 PSI)
M.S. 1111
AC / DC Mild Steel Coated Electrode For All Position Welding of Dirty, Rusty & Oily Steels (Tensile Strength 80,000 PSI)
M.S. 1120
AC / DC Low Hydrogen Type Coated Electrode To Weld All Mild Low Carbon & Low Alloy Steel (Tensile Strength 80,000 PSI)
H.A. 1130
AC / DC All Position Electrode Depositing High Strength Alloy Weld Metal On All Steels, Designed To Produce Crack Free Deposits & Also For Joining Dissimilar Metals (Tensile Strength 128,000 PSI)
B.A. 800
Flux Coated Nickel Silver Bearing Brazing Alloy With Exceptional High Strength For Thin Flowing Or Build-up On All Types Of Steels (Tensile Strength 100,000 PSI)
Cast Iron
C.I. 3100
All Position AC / DC Coated Electrode Depositing Very High Nickel Weld Metal Designed To Produce Soft Machinable Deposits On All Types of Cast Iron, Particularly Surfaces Contaminated with Oil, Grease, Dirty Oxides, Etc. (Tensile Strength 60,000 PSI)
B.A. 850
Flux Coated Low Temperature Brazing Alloy With Exceptional Flow Characteristics For Joining All Types Of Cast Iron & Copper Alloys (Tensile Strength 70,000 PSI)
A.S. 100
Low Temperature Aluminum Brazing Alloy With Exceptional Thin Flow Characteristics (Tensile Strength 30,000 PSI)
A.L. 2100
D.C. Reverse Coated Electrode For Joining Aluminum Casting & Aluminum Plate. (Tensile Strength 35,000 PSI)

B.A. 850
Flux Coated Low Temperature Brazing Alloy With Exceptional Flow Characteristics For Joining All Types Of Cast Iron & Copper Alloys (Tensile Strength 70,000 PSI)
Copper Brazing Alloy To Produce Smooth Thin Fillets In Clean Copper To Copper Joints Without Flux (Tensile Strength 90,000 PSI)

H.A. 1130
AC / DC All Position Electrode Depositing High Strength Alloy Weld Metal On All Steels, Designed To Produce Crack Free Deposits & Also For Joining Dissimilar Metals (Tensile Strength 128,000 PSI)
S.A. 560
Low Temperature Flux Coated Silver Brazing Alloy Cadium Free For Joining Copper, Brass & Stainless Steel (Tensile Strength 75,000 PSI)
When you purchase products from us you will have the option of having one of our salesman personally delivery your item (s) to your location or jobsite (Must be within our delivery area), or it will be dropped shipped to your specified location.
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Please call (781) 924-1756 or email us davencorp@aol.com If you do not see the item you are looking for. Thank you for choosing Daven Corp.